I Finally Found Myself.

My photo
My name is Kirsten Boileau. I have no idea who I am. I lost myself along time ago, if you can even say it was myself I knew. This life I lead scares me and the life ahead scares me even more. I am really hard to figure out and I am too easy to say goodbye to. Some people say I change their lives, and I do, I ruin them. So it's best to never get to know me. I say I am complex but most of that is due to my Personality Disorders, not me myself. You will never know what I am thinking, because my mind is forever changing, as is my life. I might be here one day and leave the next. I'm a wanderer, so please step back and let me go. Because things never do really change, do they?

Thursday, November 8, 2012


It gets better, boy does it get better.

This is most likely the last post, ever.

Put full faith in your Dialectical Behavioral Therapist. Trust them and you shall be trusted back. Though I know it is hard and harsh, you will get through this.

I love you.

      Kirsten Boileau

I am here if you ever need me: http://www.facebook.com/kirsten.boileau

Message Me if you need even the littlest thing.

Love with the fullest of hearts- Kirsten